10 Signs That Have Totally Imaginary Life Partners

In a world where relationships are complex and often mysterious, there are some individuals who claim to have life partners that exist solely in their imagination. While having an imaginary friend can be a normal part of childhood development, having an imaginary life partner as an adult can be a sign of deeper psychological issues. Here are ten signs that someone may have a totally imaginary life partner:

No Evidence of Existence

The most obvious sign is the lack of any tangible evidence of the partner’s existence. There are no photographs, social media profiles, or any other traces of the supposed partner in the person’s life.

Inconsistent Stories

When asked about their partner, the individual may provide inconsistent or vague details about their appearance, personality, or background, often changing their story when questioned further.

Unrealistic Expectations

The individual may have unrealistic expectations of their partner, describing them as perfect in every way without any flaws or imperfections.

Extreme Jealousy

Despite the partner’s non-existence, the individual may display extreme jealousy towards others who show interest in them, as if the imaginary partner were real.

Limited Social Interactions

Those with imaginary life partners may withdraw from social interactions or avoid introducing their partner to friends and family, fearing that their secret will be exposed.

Emotional Dependency

The individual may become emotionally dependent on their imaginary partner, seeking comfort and validation from them in times of distress.


Having an imaginary life partner may serve as a form of escapism from the challenges and disappointments of real-life relationships.

Difficulty Maintaining Relationships

Those with imaginary life partners may struggle to maintain real-life relationships, preferring the company of their imaginary partner instead.

Refusal to Seek Help

Despite concerns from friends or family, the individual may refuse to acknowledge that their partner is imaginary and may resist seeking professional help.

Delusional Beliefs

In severe cases, individuals may have delusional beliefs about their imaginary partner’s existence, refusing to accept evidence that contradicts their beliefs.


having an imaginary life partner can be a sign of underlying psychological issues such as loneliness, insecurity, or a need for control. It is important for individuals exhibiting these signs to seek professional help in order to address the root causes of their behavior and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


Can imaginary life partners be harmful?

Yes, they can be harmful if they lead to social isolation or prevent individuals from forming real-life relationships.

Is it common for adults to have imaginary life partners?

It is relatively uncommon but not unheard of, particularly among individuals who struggle with loneliness or have difficulty forming relationships.

Can imaginary life partners be a symptom of a mental illness?

Yes, they can be a symptom of conditions such as schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, or delusional disorder.

How can friends and family help someone with an imaginary life partner?

Encouraging them to seek professional help and offering support and understanding can be beneficial.

Can imaginary life partners ever become real?

It is highly unlikely, as they exist solely in the individual’s imagination and do not have any basis in reality.

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