Terms and Conditions

Acceptance Terms: By using RitewayAutosales, you agree to be governed by the terms and conditions of this agreement, which will apply to you. If you do not agree to follow these guidelines, kindly do not use or visit RitewayAutosales.

Terms Modifications: We have the right, at any time and for any cause, to alter or modify these Terms. If the change is significant, we will try our best to let you know at least 30 days before the new terms go into effect.

All written content on this website, unless otherwise indicated, is the property of RitewayAutosales and/or its licensors and is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. This website is just intended for your personal, non-commercial use.

User Responsibilities: By accessing this website, you, the user, consent to not use it for any illegal or forbidden purposes. By using this website, you agree to abstain from any actions that could damage, overload, disable, or impair it.

User-Generated Content: We will not consider any of the material you submit, including notes, to be confidential or proprietary. You pledge to upload only content that complies with laws and doesn’t infringe upon the rights of others.

We are providing this website “as is.” We disclaim all warranties, both express and implied, including merchantability, non-infringement, and suitability for a particular purpose.

Limitation of Liability: To the greatest extent permitted by law, RitewayAutosales shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses resulting from the use of this site or from the inability to use it.

Under indemnity, you consent to release RitewayAutosales, its contractors, licensors, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims and expenses, including legal fees, arising from your use of the website, including but not limited to your violation of this agreement.

Relevant legislation: These Terms of Service are regulated and construed in accordance with the laws of your country, notwithstanding any discrepancies with other laws.Please contact us if you have any issues regarding these Terms.

By using RitewayAutosales, you accept that you have read and agree to the Terms of Service. You should not use RitewayAutosales if you disagree with these Terms of Service.