Unacceptable 10 Impressive Habits of the Boston Terrier

The phrase “unacceptable habits” might not be the most fitting description for the Boston Terrier’s lovable quirks. This affectionate breed is known for its playful personality and intelligence, often displaying unique tendencies that contribute to their charm. Here’s a look at 10 interesting “habits” that endear these little tuxedoed companions to many:

The Yappy Chatterbox

Bostons are known for their vocal nature. While excessive barking can be addressed through training, their playful “yip” or energetic “woo-woo” often adds to their lively character.

The Cuddle Monster

Boston Terriers are notorious snugglers. They crave affection and enjoy curling up on your lap or beside you for a good cuddle session.

The Shadow

Be prepared for constant companionship! These loyal dogs tend to follow their humans closely, earning them the nickname “shadow.”

The Acrobatic Climber

Don’t underestimate their jumping skills. Bostons can often surprise you with their ability to leap onto furniture or even climb short fences.

The Persistent Beggar

Their big, expressive eyes combined with their playful nature can make them masters of the “puppy dog eyes” technique, attempting to guilt their way into treats or extra attention.

The Energetic Playmate

Bostons have a playful side and love to engage in games of fetch, tug-of-war, or simply a good run around the park.

The Smiling Charmer

The Boston’s characteristic “tuxedo” marking combined with their upturned mouth often makes them appear to be constantly smiling, adding to their irresistible charm.

The Gentle Soul

Despite their playful energy, Bostons are known for being gentle and affectionate with children, making them wonderful family companions.

The Alert Watchdog

While not known for their guard dog abilities, Bostons are naturally attentive and will alert their owners to unfamiliar sounds or activity.

The Adaptable Companion

Bostons can thrive in various living situations, from apartments to houses with yards. They are known for their ability to adjust to their environment.


While some might misinterpret these characteristics as “unacceptable,” understanding these natural tendencies allows you to appreciate the unique personality of the Boston Terrier. Through proper training and positive reinforcement, you can channel these “habits” into a fulfilling and enjoyable companionship with your furry friend.

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