Top 8 Telltale Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs

Heavy Panting

Rapid, excessive panting can signal heatstroke. Watch for it during hot weather or vigorous exercise.

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Excessive Drooling

If your dog is drooling excessively, it could indicate heatstroke. Act quickly to cool them down.

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Increased Heart Rate

A racing heart rate is a sign of heatstroke. Monitor your dog's pulse for any irregularities.

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Weakness and Collapse

Heatstroke can cause weakness and even collapse in dogs. Don't ignore these alarming signs.

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Vomiting and Diarrhea

Dogs with heatstroke may experience vomiting and diarrhea. Seek immediate veterinary attention.

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Bright Red Tongue and Gums

Check your dog's tongue and gums. If they're bright red, it could indicate heatstroke.

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Confusion or Disorientation

Heatstroke can lead to confusion or disorientation in dogs. Keep an eye out for these symptoms.

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In severe cases, heatstroke may cause seizures in dogs. Act fast to cool them down and seek emergency care.

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