Top 8 Reasons Why Dogs Eat Poop

Nutritional Deficiency

Lack of nutrients in diet may drive dogs to seek nutrients from feces

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Instinctual Behavior

Historically, dogs scavenged for food, including feces, as part of survival instinct.

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Attention Seeking

Eating poop might be a way for dogs to get attention from their owners.

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Medical Issues

Underlying health problems like malabsorption can lead to poop eating.

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Stress or Anxiety

Some dogs eat poop due to stress, anxiety, or boredom

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Learned Behavior

Puppies may mimic their mother's behavior, which can include eating feces.

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Dietary Habits

A sudden change in diet can prompt poop consumption in some dogs.

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Environmental Factors

Unsanitary living conditions or confinement can encourage coprophagia.

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