Top 8 Newborn Puppy Facts

Tiny Beginnings

Newborn puppies are incredibly small and delicate, weighing just a few ounces at birth.

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Early Development

In their first few weeks, puppies are completely dependent on their mothers for warmth, nourishment, and care.

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Eyes Shut Tight

Newborn puppies are born with their eyes closed, and they typically begin to open them around two weeks of age.

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Helpless Pups

At birth, puppies are unable to regulate their body temperature, so it's crucial to keep them warm.

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Feeding Time

Newborn puppies rely on their mother's milk for nutrition, which provides essential antibodies for their immune system.

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Growing Quickly

 Despite their small size at birth, puppies grow rapidly, doubling their weight within the first week.

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Socialization Begins

Early socialization with humans and littermates is vital for puppies to develop proper social skills and behavior.

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First Steps

Around three weeks of age, puppies start to take their first wobbly steps, gradually gaining coordination.

Image : unsplash

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