Top 8 low Maintenance Dog Breeds for Busy People


With their easygoing nature, Bulldogs are ideal companions for busy folks.

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Small in size but big on personality, Chihuahuas require minimal grooming.

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 Dachshunds are low-maintenance and offer tons of affection in return.

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Pugs are laid-back and require minimal exercise, perfect for busy households.

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Shiba Inu

Independent and self-sufficient, Shiba Inus are perfect for those with packed schedules.

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Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are low-maintenance and thrive in urban environments.

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Despite their size, Greyhounds are surprisingly low-maintenance and adaptable.

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French Bulldog

Frenchies are easy to care for and make wonderful companions for busy individuals.

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The Top 10 High Dog Breeds to Own for the First Time in USA