Top 8 Fluffiest Cat Breeds Worldwide

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are known for their large size and bushy tails. They have a gentle and friendly demeanor.

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Ragdolls are famous for their relaxed temperament and striking blue eyes.

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Persian cats boast luxurious long coats and expressive faces. Their affectionate nature and calm demeanor.

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Siberian cats have triple-layered coats that are water-resistant and hypoallergenic. They're playful, intelligent, and loyal to their owners.

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British Longhair

British Longhairs have dense fur and a stocky build. They're known for their sweet temperament and get along well with children

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Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cats have a majestic appearance with a thick, waterproof coat and tufted ears.

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Turkish Angora

Turkish Angoras have silky, medium-length fur and striking almond-shaped eyes.

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Himalayan Cat

Himalayan Cats are a cross between Persians and Siamese, resulting in long, luxurious coats and vivid blue eyes.

Image : unsplash

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