Top 8 Dog Exercises for Fun and Fitness

Jump for Joy

Jumping exercises are great for your dog's agility and strength. Set up hurdles or use a raised platform for them to leap over.

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Fetch Frenzy

 Playing fetch is a classic way to keep your dog active. Use a ball or a frisbee and let them run to their heart's content.

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Tug of War

Tug of war is not just a game, it's also a fantastic way to build your dog's muscles.

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Agility Adventure

Set up an agility course in your backyard or visit a dog park with agility equipment.

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Swim Session

Take your dog for a swim if they enjoy the water. Swimming is low-impact and great for dogs with joint issues.

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Hiking Hound

Hit the trails with your furry friend. Hiking is a wonderful way to explore nature while getting exercise together.

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Dance Party

Turn on some music and have a dance party with your dog. Dance around the living room or teach them some simple dance moves.

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Hide and Seek

Hide treats or toys around the house or yard and encourage your dog to find them.

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