Top 8 Cleanest Dog Breeds

Bichon Frise

This fluffy companion is hypoallergenic and rarely sheds, making it an ideal choice for those with allergies.

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Known for its intelligence and minimal shedding, the poodle is a popular choice among dog lovers seeking a tidy pet.

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With its cat-like grooming habits and lack of doggy odor, the Basenji is a clean and low-maintenance breed.

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Shih Tzu

Despite its long fur, the Shih Tzu's coat is non-shedding and easy to maintain, keeping your home clean.

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 Portuguese Water Dog

Renowned for its love of water and virtually odorless coat, the Portuguese Water Dog is a clean and active companion.

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The Maltese's silky white coat is not only beautiful but also hypoallergenic, making it a clean choice for allergy sufferers.

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Italian Greyhound

Sleek and elegant, the Italian Greyhound sheds very little and is known for its cleanliness and grace.

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With its distinctive beard and wiry coat, the Schnauzer is a low-shedding breed that's easy to groom and maintain.

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The Top 10 High Dog Breeds to Own for the First Time in USA