The Top 9 Ways Your Dog Communicates With You

Eye Contact

Eye contact signifies affection and trust. Prolonged stares could be a challenge or seeking attention.

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Ears Up vs. Ears Down

Ears erect show alertness, while drooping ears indicate relaxation or submission.

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Barking and Vocalization

Different barks express various needs: excitement, fear, or warning. Pitch and volume also matter.

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Body Posture

An upright stance signals confidence, while crouching indicates fear or submission.

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Yawning and Lip Licking

These are stress-relieving signals. Dogs use them to calm themselves in anxious situations.

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Play Behavior

Bowing down invites play, while growling during play is often a sign of enjoyment

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Pawing and Nudging

Seeking attention or affection, or indicating something they want.

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Sniffing is their way of exploring the world and gathering information.

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