The Top 9 Tips For Raising a Well Mannered Therapy Dod

Start Early

Begin training and socialization from puppyhood to instill good habits early on.

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Consistency is Key

Maintain consistent rules and routines to reinforce desired behaviors.

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Positive Reinforcement

Use rewards and praise to encourage polite behavior and discourage negative actions.

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Socialization Matters

Expose your dog to various environments, people, and animals to foster confident and friendly behavior.

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Patience and Persistence

Be patient and persistent in training, understanding that it takes time for behaviors to become ingrained.

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Teach Basic Commands

Teach essential commands such as sit, stay, and come to establish communication and control.

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Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries to prevent unwanted behaviors and promote respect.

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Practice Regular Exercise

Provide ample physical and mental stimulation through daily exercise and interactive play.

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Monitor Health and Well-being

Ensure your dog's health and happiness by scheduling regular check-ups and addressing any issues promptly.

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