Best 8 Steps to Puppy-Proofing Your Home

Secure Hazardous Areas

Identify and secure areas where your puppy could get into trouble, like the kitchen and bathroom.

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Hide Cords and Wires

 Keep electrical cords and wires out of reach to prevent chewing and electrocution.

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Store Toxic Items

Store household cleaners, medications, and toxic plants in cabinets or high shelves.

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Install Gates

Use baby gates to block off rooms or areas that are off-limits to your puppy.

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 Supervise Outdoor Time

Always supervise your puppy outdoors to prevent them from wandering off or getting into dangerous situations.

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Provide Chew Toys

Offer plenty of chew toys to redirect your puppy's chewing behavior away from furniture and belongings.

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Secure Trash Bins

Use secure lids or keep trash bins in a cabinet to prevent your puppy from getting into garbage.

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Regular Exercise

Ensure your puppy gets enough exercise to prevent boredom and destructive behavior.

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