8 Unusual Traditions of Shetland Sheepdogs

Herding Instinct

Shelties possess a strong herding instinct, often seen trying to corral family members or other pets

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Sheltie Spin

Witness the famous 'Sheltie Spin,' a joyful twirl Shelties perform when excited or anticipating something.

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 Vocal Expressions

Shelties are known for their wide range of vocalizations, from barking to 'talking' with expressive whines

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Shadowing Behavior

Many Shelties exhibit shadowing behavior, staying close to their owners' sides like loyal shadows

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Intelligence Games

Engage Shelties with intelligence games to satisfy their sharp minds and prevent boredom.

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Sensitivity to Routine

Shelties thrive on routine and can become anxious or stressed when their daily schedule is disrupted.

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Nudging Noses

Experience the endearing habit of Shelties nudging their owners with their noses for attention or affection.

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Love for Agility

Tap into the Sheltie's love for agility activities, showcasing their agility and enthusiasm for challenges.

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