8 Most Modern and Excellent Cat Breeds in the USA

Majestic Maine Coon

Known as gentle giants, Maine Coons boast tufted ears and luxurious coats.

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Charming Ragdoll

Ragdolls are famous for their docile temperament and propensity for going limp when held, hence their name.

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Exotic Bengal

With their wild appearance and playful demeanor, Bengals are a crossbreed between domestic cats and Asian Leopard Cats. 

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Energetic Abyssinian

Abyssinians are known for their active and curious personalities. They're one of the oldest known cat breeds, originating from Ethiopia,

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Graceful American Shorthair

American Shorthairs are versatile and adaptable cats with sturdy builds and short coats.

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Sophisticated Sphynx

Despite their lack of fur, Sphynx cats are full of personality. They're affectionate, energetic, and require special care

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Regal Ragamuffin

Ragamuffins are known for their friendly and laid-back nature. They have a thick, rabbit-like fur 

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Fancy Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds are recognized by their unique folded ears, which give them an adorable and distinctive appearance. 

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The Top 10 High Dog Breeds to Own for the First Time in USA